How to develop a successful mobile app strategy for your business.

The number of smartphone subscriptions today surpasses six billion and Statistica forecasts it to further grow by several hundred million within the next few years. The smartphone market has such a wide range of opportunities due to its high growth potential and businesses are capitalising on this. There’s valuable marketing opportunities which can help them reach more of their target audience. If you wish to develop a mobile strategy that not only works, but drives impact, this article will show some key things to consider doing.

Understand your companies objective and competitors before creating a mobile strategy:

The first step is to understand the strategies and objectives created for your business. This includes identifying your key target audience, as well as the values and products you want to give to your users. By having a transparent focus and objective it will help in writing down the requirements for a mobile application further down the road. How an app will help 5 years down the road for your company, still adding value for your customer is important to consider.

Make a SWOT Analysis for the app:

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This is useful for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your business as well as giving you the unique perspective to evaluate your position in the marketplace against your competitors.

The analysis assists in identifying opportunities that your business could profit from which are typically created by external factors, such as new consumer trends and changes occurring within the market.

Know your users and what they want:

Your marketing strategy should be focused on engaging with the target audience, knowing their preferences and creating a product that can solve their current problems. Delivering the right message to your target audience is only half of the amount of work in the process of developing an application. Knowing who and what these user types are in advance will help you more accurately define the functionalities your app should build for and the problem they are supposed to solve.

One of the common issues a lot of app’s fail with, is that a lot of businesses forget that they are building an app for a variety of users, each with different preferences. Knowing what these users want and their demographic in advance will help you more accurately define the functionalities your app should be built for.

Attract users through smooth a experience and clean design:

User experience (UX) is the process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product. The main difference between a successful mobile app and a failing app within the same market is the quality of UX and design. No matter what business you are running, customers will always remain high and keep rising as they expect a personalised experience tailored towards their own needs.

The goal for a good UX is to help users achieve what they want to do when they are interacting with your business.

Choose the right platform for your app:

One of the first choices and main priorities for you to decide is which mobile platform to go for. To be successful, you want your app to fit the right platform so that it can reach the right users your company is targeting. Several elements of your final product will be determined by the platform you’re building and releasing your app on. These include particular elements such as the optimisation of user experiences, monetising your app and structuring your pre-launch marketing campaigns.

The obvious question is why not develop a cross platform app and target more users this way? Whilst this is an easy choice to make, it is time consuming and expensive, both of which are a constraint. You should also consider any enhancement and maintenance of your app, the lifetime cost will increase as your users and platform also increases.

Choose the most suitable platform keeping in mind the requirements of your end user. The following factors should always be taken into consideration:

  • The budget or finance you allotted to develop your app.
  • All technical features of your app and their complexity.
  • Possible future prospects of the mobile platform.

If you are in need of help, we are available for you to contact at SpaceIT Labs. With our professionals in the mix, you will be provided with both support and peace of mind throughout the whole process as we work to get your app up and running.

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